Words being hard

I haven't written about music here, because if I did I would probably get very off topic very quickly, but I wanted to share a few thoughts as the more hectic part of my summer comes to a close.

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musicAz Lawrie
I don't know what to title this

This is a problem because I need to be with them while we laugh, together, so hard we're rolling on the floor. I need to be with them while I look at my feet and talk about what's hurting me. I need to be with them while they tell me their secrets, their passions, their regrets, their mistakes and how they learned from them. But I can't. And I don't know if I ever will.

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...I got better?

Second, a diagnosis is not an excuse. I can't let myself use it to justify causing intentional harm to others or to myself. It's just a tool that will hopefully help others better understand where I'm coming from, and will possibly help me understand myself better.

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healingAz Lawrie

Pride doesn't have to be about visibility. Pride can be about survival. Pride can be about recognizing that my experience as a nonbinary person can be painful, and allowing myself to feel that pain.

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gender, prideAz Lawrie