i am trans. i am deeply trans. the framework that i use to think about gender is entirely trans. i am trans, and i am a man, and i am not a trans man.
Read MoreThe conceit for this playlist spawned from my dissatisfaction with the latest iteration of Spotify Wrapped. Broadly, I don’t consider it to be an accurate reflection of my overall music taste - I mean, 5 songs/artists is such a small number compared to the actual amount of music that I listen to on at least a semi-regular basis. This year in particular, my music taste has opened up significantly with the help of one of my friends (you know who you are <3). Thus, I decided to take my top 21 artists from the last 12 months according to www.statsforspotify.com and pick one song by each of them. The playlist is in reverse order (i.e. #21 first, #1 last). If 21 seems like an arbitrary number, it’s actually slightly less so than the original number, which was 20; I saw Father John Misty at #21 and ultimately decided I needed to include him.
I am making this playlist on December 7/8, 2024. My song choices are influenced by the contexts I’m working within at this specific moment in time.
Read Moredeath doesn’t feel like justice to me. another person’s pain does not feel like justice to me. it’s not cathartic or joyful or even any meaningful amount of relief.
Read Moreit's not a bad thing to need other people. it's never a bad thing. don't let anyone convince you that you don't need other people.
Read Morethis feels familiar, the thing of writing a blog post and not having any answers at the end of it.
Read Morei want to write more. i want to start blogging regularly again. what's stopping me?
Read MoreI am tired of my trauma, and I'm not the only one.
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