Lando is not representation

Pansexuality is not about attraction to aliens, or machines, or anything that isn't human. Pansexuality is not promiscuity. Pansexuality refers to attraction experienced by humans for other humans. Yes, definitions of words can adapt and change due to context, but the adaptation of meaning is meaningless if it's not driven by the people to whom the word actually applies.

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sexualityAz Lawrie
Black or white

I am terrified that everyone will leave me. This is not new information for anyone who has been reading my blog posts so far. But I'm actually not even that scared, because I'm so used to believing that everyone will leave.

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fear, loveAz Lawrie

When I say "I'm queer," I mean that my existence as someone whose gender is neither masculine, nor feminine, nor related to either masculinity or femininity, is a challenge to the systems which straight cisgender white men have forced onto the society in which I have spent my entire life. Does this challenge look like a reaction to those systems? What else could it be? I'm human, and this world is all I know.

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genderAz Lawrie

Until trans people no longer need to be visible, until asking people to discard binary ideas of gender is no longer seen as revolutionary, until men stop telling me I don't exist, activism is not a revolution. It is what must be done.

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gender, strengthAz Lawrie