Trigger warning: death, abuse, domestic violence.
Read MoreMy face wants me to cry right now but my tear ducts refuse to cooperate.
Read MoreBeing in my body is intensely stressful right now.
Read MoreTrigger warning for descriptions of abuse, suicide mention later in the post.
Read MoreMirror, mirror on the wall; to live in pain, or not at all?
Read MoreBeing emotionally ready for therapy, knowing you need therapy, and not having access to affordable therapy hurts.
Read MoreTo me, a mistake doesn't just feel like a mistake; it can make me feel wrong, like I'm not a person.
Read MoreMuch easier to keep bouncing from hotel to hotel, living out of a suitcase, not realizing that by attempting to stay away from giving my emotional baggage a permanent home, I have given it permanent impermanence; I have let it rest in the core of myself, and I've convinced myself that I can live like this, or that I won't be around long enough for it to matter.
Read MoreAfterward I realized that I define my value in relation to how others value me -- that is, I don't consider myself to be intrinsically valuable.
Read MoreI deserve love on a fundamental level, because everyone does, and I deserve love because I have good qualities, but I'm scared that the bad qualities are outweighing the good -- that isn't even the only reason someone could have to not love me.
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