Things I thought about this week

me: wears a bra

breasts: sweat

me: doesn't wear a bra

breasts: sweat

me: breathes

breasts: sweat


what if i just fell off the side of the stage? what if my cello broke? my intrusive thoughts haven't been this bad in a few months


applying intersectionality to mental & physical disabilities: neurodivergent & physically disabled people literally experience a whole different type of oppression + exclusion, it's not just an addition effect


am i drinking caffeine wrong? is that why it doesn't seem to work on me? or am i just that depressed?


Challenge the idea that the people who I most want to like me are the tall, thin, white, conventionally attractive and/or conventionally androgynous ones.

Challenge my habit of dressing myself to hide or disguise the thickness of my midsection.

Challenge the idea that I need people to like me? Challenge my need for people to like me. Figure out who I am when I'm not trying to be something else for someone else.

Challenge clothing norms. Tell me, exactly and in your own words, how ripped clothes are unprofessional. Professional is an adjective describing someone who works a profession, someone who does a certain thing for a living. Words have connotations, but also, stop resisting change.

Do we need to make classical music more inclusive, or should we just throw the whole thing away? What is an ethical way to perform music by dead white European men, and how do we get there?