April is sexual assault awareness month.
Things I grew up knowing about sexual assault:
- it's sex but it hurts more
- it's wrong
- be scared of strange men
Things I knew about sexual assault as an adult before I was sexually assaulted:
- it's violent
- it's nonconsensual
- if someone is drunk then they're not able to consent
- roofies are drugs that predators can put in your drink and they make it easier for you to be assaulted
- taking legal action against someone who has sexually assaulted you is an invasive, often traumatic process which rarely results in them getting more than a slap on the wrist if they're a white man
- rape kits are a thing that exist
- consent is clear, usually verbal, and ongoing
- the number of people who lie about being sexually assaulted is miniscule compared to the number of people who are sexually assaulted and never report it. believe survivors.
- not all perpetrators of sexual assault are men, and not all survivors are women
- be careful of men at parties
Things I now know about sexual assault:
- just because you're dating/in a romantic relationship with someone doesn't mean they can't sexually assault you
- fight and flight are not the only two stress responses
- a survivor's healing process is more important than whatever happens to a perpetrator
- a lot of white cis men will act "woke" to get in your pants, fuck you, and disappear before they have to deal with any consequences
- sexual assault is not always physically violent and it does not always hurt, but that doesn't make it any less traumatic